Monday, November 10, 2008

Back to Nature =)

"Live Life, Breathe Sports!"
The exams are gonna drive me nuts!
The minute I don't Breathe, I won't be Living this Life anymore, not to mention doing Sports.

Anyways this was my last KL trip.

Looking forward to the year-end trip!
Looking forward to finishing my exams!
Looking forward to holidays!
Woots! Think I need a cuppa coffee to calm down =)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

3D2N Batam Getaway! @ ONLY $300++

Starring PESS PGDE Class 3B '08 (27th-29th Oct)

Package includes:
1. Bowling Tournament Championship
2. Banana Boat Rendezvous
3. Para-Para sailing
4. Speedy Jet Skiing
5. Cable (Stunt) Skiing
6. KTV Battles of the Sexes
7. International Buffet Breakfast
8. Seafood Paradise Dinner
9. Lotsa FUN & LAUGHTER!!!

Dedicated to ADHD Xiong, Havoc Han, Gracie, Willie, Giddy, DK, Gay Xiang, Lillies, Xinxin and last but not the least Bee.

Monday, November 3, 2008

All's Well that End's Well

ClimbOn! 2008 Welcomes the Celebrity Team from NTU!
Back-row: Sze Realli-not Gay, Zany Zedong, Longman Kai Rong, Cheryl Wii, Joan of Arc
Centre-row: Brainy Bernard, Silly Shalynn, Li Zhen Xiang, Uncle B
Front-row: Allen Iverson, Energiser Elicia, Sarah Bandana

2nd November was the day to remember. Waking up early (530am) and travelling across the country (Pasir Ris Park!!!) all for the sake of a fun-filled day. As usual, was one of the earliest to arrive on site so proceeded to do all the necessary arrangements to help the gang get registered.

Hell broke loose when the event started! Almost all the walls were already filled with climbers. Went on to do some warm-up routes then started to whack the harder ones. Anything more than 1000 points is crazy and definitely require more than one try from me (except for the 2000 points route on the Blocx Wall heh).

Slightly after lunch (skipped mine) it started to rain, but that didn't stop the climbers from attacking the inside wall but it means longer queuing time (about 15mins). All-in-all, I had a great time even though my fingers were aching and burning after going through all those routes with me. It was a fantastic experience and didn't expect to be climbing all the way till the end (5pm)!

To the GANG: "Great job dudes and dudettes for arriving early and participating in ClimbOn! 2008! We all had our share of fun and definitely was a great experience for all of us! We shall look forward to ClimbOn! 2009 and in the meantime climb harder!"

PS: Dun forget our Year-End Trip is juz around the corner peeps!