Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Usual Suspects

Suspect 1: Jelli Bean aka Pro Photographer Wannabe
Suspect 2: Naf Naf aka Lost in Emotions
Suspect 3: Kopi Uncle B aka Anti-Sea Monsters

If U look pretty closely at this picture, U might realize that the Merlion's hair have grown longer. =)

MIA as usual: Miss Cai and Mr Siew

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Funky Munky

My funky Xmas prezzie from 2008. Courtesy of Jelli Bean Co.

Dunno what the exact name of tis thing is. But me prefer to call it Press-Me-Not.
It has travelled all the way from Japan in the plane to find me (",)
Super cool and fun stress reliever. Try it to know it peeps =)
Good for relieving one of those days when things keep happening. Boo!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

You are the Dancing Queen...

QPC566 Folk and Social Dances

One interesting module which I'm taking this semester. Contents include International Folk Dances, Social Dances (Cha-cha, Rock and Roll, Waltz) and Line Dances.

Kinda different from da Street Dance that me saw in Step Up. All those back-breaking moves and what not. (Step Up II coming soon!)

Well, I'm looking forward to learning some cool dance steps from Prof Goh =)

Anyways check this out!
I guess it ain't as easy as we all prolly tot it would be. Enjoy ya practise =)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Game of LIFE

In-house Celebration @ Al the Vin's Home on New Year's Eve

As usual, we did our countdown in our UNUSUAL WAY (",)

Anyways, apart from the last-min-buy-from-NTUC steamboat with BIG BOWL HORFUN, Mahjong tournament (feat. MJ Queen Naf), classic Japanese scary movie (feat. room 505) which doesn't seem to be scary at all, the me-thinks-quite-nice Step Up movie, the Not-too-bad Dan In Real Life movie and the Jenga Championship (Individual event: Uncle VS Naf and Team event: Uncle & Lena VS Al the Vin & Naf), the highlight of the day was the Game of Life which Lena brought all the way from the other end of the world, Pasir Ris.

To sum it all, the game forces U to find a job, get married, buy EXPENSIVE houses (no money also must buy), have lotsa kids (Naf had the MOST) and end your life as a MILLIONAIRE (only Lena). Nonsensical but interesting. =)

Last but not least, all of us were treated to various flavours of cake by Lena and gingerbread by Naf. NICE.