Sunday, May 24, 2009

Many years have passed.....

It's been ages since me last updated. Anyways...

Great moments of PESS Outdoor Camp 2009

"Dinner buffet @ LAC Resort. How nice?!"

"Amazing Race PESS style!!!"

"Eh its kinda dark still, izzit realli necessary to do this?"

"Grr seems like we missed the last bus!!!"

"Yo peeps we reached the summit already izzit???"

After many many many days.....

"Woohoo we finally came down the mountain!!!"

"We really need to cross this river arh?"

"Oei if ya still gonna adjust tt camera, the train's gonna come and get us already!!!"

"Erm izzit really safe to cramp up tgt on the bridge to take photo?"

The gang waiting for some fellows to come along and hitch a ride???

Great fun! Great people! Once in a lifetime EXPERIENCE! I'm LUBBIN it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Working on Labour's Day!

Dairy Farm wit the VJ Gang (1st May '09)

Trekking, Abseiling, Climbing 3-in-ONE Combo! =)