Saturday, September 27, 2008

Three Dudes of Climbatopia

Once upon a time in Climbatopia,

KR: Hey I got bad news! Heard we need to move all these LOGS down.

Uncle B: Fwah! U must be kidding me!

Bernie: They look HEAVIER than me la.

Uncle B: Yah man! We wear slippers, if kena toes confirm break. So DUMBO!

KR: No idea lei. Mabbe they see us slack not doing anything.

Bernie: Those people think we damn strong arhz.

Uncle B: Duh! If me can move the log, I will use it to block the door dun let them come out! Crazy people!

KR: Or.we see if can borrow FORKLIFT or something how.

Bernie: I say we CHOP them into shorter pieces easier.

Uncle B: Yah rite chop ya head. I say we one short BURN’EM ALL. Then we say caught fire. Weather too hot and dry.

KR: Nice.

Bernie: Cool. Eh where’s Shal huh like never see her lei.

Uncle B: Think sister’s inside checking out some young dude. Name’s AGNUS or something. Quite a cool dude.

KR: Realli meh.

Bernie: Must go see.

Uncle B: Yeah! Let’s forget bout the silly logs.

And they lived happily ever after.

Copyright and Copyleft reserved. No part of this funny movie may be reproduced in any way possible by anyone else.
Zillion thanks to lead actors: Uncle B, KR and Bernie
Special Celefare appearance: Shal and Agnus


shalynn said...


you must be SO bored when you blogged about this! hahaha.

Daniel B said...

Haha yah kinda. Wont make me grow SHORTER rite sista? =)