Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A lesson a day...

Menu of the day: Toasted Cashew Choc Chip Cookies =)

Went over to sister Shal's house to do some baking yday. Made some new friends there too. Silin aka the Psycho Wannabe, Liyong aka the SMS Queen, Nicole aka the Sleepalot-addicted-to-DS-girl, Auntie aka Shal's mum who made us nice lunch plus dinner treat. =)

All the measuring, cutting, toasting, mixing and stirring were well distributed among the five of us excluding auntie who were BZ preparing lunch. No doubt the cookies turned out to taste pretty delicious. Following that Liyong who wanted to boil the butter initially (LOL) baked a cheesecake for her bf which turned out quite well too. =)

Lesson of the day:
If it looks good but it does not taste nice -> Useless
If it doesn't look good but it taste great -> Priceless

Enjoy the cookies peeps!

OMG me gonna start on my holiday homework soon! Panic!

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