Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Dedicated to da Bintan Gang, my pal Nemo who stayed back in Singapore and all the Sea monsters that lives there...

Highlights of the trip includes:
1. Super "atas" Jap Restaurant Lunch BOX meal
2. 10minutes Banana Boat (seems like FOREVER) STRUGGLE
3. Kayaking to Offshore ROCKS feat. The Crashlanders
4. Beach Volleyball Challenge (Bintan Warriors VS Brazil Superstars)
5. Ultimate "Kelong" Dinner with Complimentary "Metal soap"
6. Endless sets of "Indian Poker", "Heart Attacks" and what not...
7. Millions of "Jumpshots" on the beach, in the pool, on the land...
8. P.O.O Bazaar feat. All-time Favourite 50% off Polo

Appearances NOT in any order of preferences:
Mr Bee, Lena, Miniature Siew, Naf Naf, Al the Vin
Special Guest Appearance:
Bin Aman Laden aka Beach Lifeguard

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