Tuesday, December 30, 2008

U gimme FEVER!

My first exams in many years. =)

First Year (Semester 1) Examination for PGDE


Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.36

Not too bad for a start I guess.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

On my count, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!

Unusual Xmas Counting Down on Xmas Day =)

Me thinks that the blading tire us out TOTALLY. If you were at ECP on the 25th Dec '08, pls excuse us for our WEIRD behaviour, especially to the Uncle who were sleeping initially at the pavillion. OOPS.

Starring: Uncle B, Naf Naf, YaLena
MIA: Al the Vin, Miniature Siew
Special thanks: Lil Phoebe (",)

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Adventures of UMC in KL

14th Dec ~ 18th Dec '08

Batu Caves - Damai Wall

Camp5 - Boulder

Camp5 - Balancing Act =)

Dedicated to ALL who went for the trip.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A lesson a day...

Menu of the day: Toasted Cashew Choc Chip Cookies =)

Went over to sister Shal's house to do some baking yday. Made some new friends there too. Silin aka the Psycho Wannabe, Liyong aka the SMS Queen, Nicole aka the Sleepalot-addicted-to-DS-girl, Auntie aka Shal's mum who made us nice lunch plus dinner treat. =)

All the measuring, cutting, toasting, mixing and stirring were well distributed among the five of us excluding auntie who were BZ preparing lunch. No doubt the cookies turned out to taste pretty delicious. Following that Liyong who wanted to boil the butter initially (LOL) baked a cheesecake for her bf which turned out quite well too. =)

Lesson of the day:
If it looks good but it does not taste nice -> Useless
If it doesn't look good but it taste great -> Priceless

Enjoy the cookies peeps!

OMG me gonna start on my holiday homework soon! Panic!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The 4-Letter Bug

Bugs aren't alwaz a bad thing. Enjoy the nice song =)

Love Bug - Jonas Brothers

Thanks for teaching uncle how to do this. =)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Back 2 Basics

Been scaring myself the past few climbing sessions doing the HIGH WALL instead of the usual BOULDERING!!! LOL.
Well its better scaring myself back here than out there in Batu Caves. (",)
Damai, Nyamuk, Nanyang, Camp5, OneUtama, Serai Inn here I come!

My pal who lives in Pasir Ris. Cool Fish!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Dedicated to da Bintan Gang, my pal Nemo who stayed back in Singapore and all the Sea monsters that lives there...

Highlights of the trip includes:
1. Super "atas" Jap Restaurant Lunch BOX meal
2. 10minutes Banana Boat (seems like FOREVER) STRUGGLE
3. Kayaking to Offshore ROCKS feat. The Crashlanders
4. Beach Volleyball Challenge (Bintan Warriors VS Brazil Superstars)
5. Ultimate "Kelong" Dinner with Complimentary "Metal soap"
6. Endless sets of "Indian Poker", "Heart Attacks" and what not...
7. Millions of "Jumpshots" on the beach, in the pool, on the land...
8. P.O.O Bazaar feat. All-time Favourite 50% off Polo

Appearances NOT in any order of preferences:
Mr Bee, Lena, Miniature Siew, Naf Naf, Al the Vin
Special Guest Appearance:
Bin Aman Laden aka Beach Lifeguard

Monday, November 10, 2008

Back to Nature =)

"Live Life, Breathe Sports!"
The exams are gonna drive me nuts!
The minute I don't Breathe, I won't be Living this Life anymore, not to mention doing Sports.

Anyways this was my last KL trip.

Looking forward to the year-end trip!
Looking forward to finishing my exams!
Looking forward to holidays!
Woots! Think I need a cuppa coffee to calm down =)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

3D2N Batam Getaway! @ ONLY $300++

Starring PESS PGDE Class 3B '08 (27th-29th Oct)

Package includes:
1. Bowling Tournament Championship
2. Banana Boat Rendezvous
3. Para-Para sailing
4. Speedy Jet Skiing
5. Cable (Stunt) Skiing
6. KTV Battles of the Sexes
7. International Buffet Breakfast
8. Seafood Paradise Dinner
9. Lotsa FUN & LAUGHTER!!!

Dedicated to ADHD Xiong, Havoc Han, Gracie, Willie, Giddy, DK, Gay Xiang, Lillies, Xinxin and last but not the least Bee.

Monday, November 3, 2008

All's Well that End's Well

ClimbOn! 2008 Welcomes the Celebrity Team from NTU!
Back-row: Sze Realli-not Gay, Zany Zedong, Longman Kai Rong, Cheryl Wii, Joan of Arc
Centre-row: Brainy Bernard, Silly Shalynn, Li Zhen Xiang, Uncle B
Front-row: Allen Iverson, Energiser Elicia, Sarah Bandana

2nd November was the day to remember. Waking up early (530am) and travelling across the country (Pasir Ris Park!!!) all for the sake of a fun-filled day. As usual, was one of the earliest to arrive on site so proceeded to do all the necessary arrangements to help the gang get registered.

Hell broke loose when the event started! Almost all the walls were already filled with climbers. Went on to do some warm-up routes then started to whack the harder ones. Anything more than 1000 points is crazy and definitely require more than one try from me (except for the 2000 points route on the Blocx Wall heh).

Slightly after lunch (skipped mine) it started to rain, but that didn't stop the climbers from attacking the inside wall but it means longer queuing time (about 15mins). All-in-all, I had a great time even though my fingers were aching and burning after going through all those routes with me. It was a fantastic experience and didn't expect to be climbing all the way till the end (5pm)!

To the GANG: "Great job dudes and dudettes for arriving early and participating in ClimbOn! 2008! We all had our share of fun and definitely was a great experience for all of us! We shall look forward to ClimbOn! 2009 and in the meantime climb harder!"

PS: Dun forget our Year-End Trip is juz around the corner peeps!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Serious Issue in ME Life


A day without a latte, cup of tea, or caffeinated soft drink is unthinkable for many people. Yet caffeine poses some health risks. Although individuals seem to differ in their vulnerability to caffeine’s influence, if drunk in moderation, the risks appear negligible.

Studies on caffeine discount any risk of cancer. A major report from the American Institute for Cancer Research, based on numerous studies, concluded that coffee has no link to cancer risk.

Drinking more than four cups of coffee a day, however, may increase the risk of heart problems. In fact, a new study suggests that even two six-ounce cups of coffee a day may increase blood test values that measure inflammation.

If future research confirms these findings, there may be cause for concern. But it’s too early to severely limit your coffee consumption for this reason, because two large American studies show no effect of coffee or caffeine on the incidence of heart disease.

Article By Karen Collins, R.D.

Was told to read this article. Followed by reminders to "CUT DOWN" on caffeine consumption. Will try to do so. From many cups a day to 3 cups a day in time to come. Not an easy task but definitely worth the try. =)

Coolios sister. U rawk!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Never Underestimate TEAMWORK!

This is one COOL clip man!

Classic video accompanied by a LOVELY tune.


PS: Anyone out there who knows the tune or have it, pls dun hesitate to inform Uncle B =)

Video courtesy of IgniterMedia from YouTube.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Youngest Smoker Since 1967.

No one believed me when I told them I started young.
That kinda explains the voice I guess.
But at that point of time, I was kinda missing the lighter!

Believe in what U see.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Two Cool Dudes Going Nowhere...

Forget about Batman & Robin.
Forget about Starsky & Hutch.
Forget about Romeo & Juliet. (seems somewhat wrong)
Forget about Dumb & Dumber.
Forget about Beavis and Butthead.

Juz remember Uncle B & Lil' J.

Copyrights reserved.
Rated M18.
Contents may be too COOL for weak hearted.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

UMC Rawks Sentosa! 26th Sep '08

The Wonderful Picture says it all! =)
Let's start the plans for Our next Getaway!

PS: My frens KR & ZD are still searching for the two girls they met @ the Beach V-ball court.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Three Dudes of Climbatopia

Once upon a time in Climbatopia,

KR: Hey I got bad news! Heard we need to move all these LOGS down.

Uncle B: Fwah! U must be kidding me!

Bernie: They look HEAVIER than me la.

Uncle B: Yah man! We wear slippers, if kena toes confirm break. So DUMBO!

KR: No idea lei. Mabbe they see us slack not doing anything.

Bernie: Those people think we damn strong arhz.

Uncle B: Duh! If me can move the log, I will use it to block the door dun let them come out! Crazy people!

KR: Or.we see if can borrow FORKLIFT or something how.

Bernie: I say we CHOP them into shorter pieces easier.

Uncle B: Yah rite chop ya head. I say we one short BURN’EM ALL. Then we say caught fire. Weather too hot and dry.

KR: Nice.

Bernie: Cool. Eh where’s Shal huh like never see her lei.

Uncle B: Think sister’s inside checking out some young dude. Name’s AGNUS or something. Quite a cool dude.

KR: Realli meh.

Bernie: Must go see.

Uncle B: Yeah! Let’s forget bout the silly logs.

And they lived happily ever after.

Copyright and Copyleft reserved. No part of this funny movie may be reproduced in any way possible by anyone else.
Zillion thanks to lead actors: Uncle B, KR and Bernie
Special Celefare appearance: Shal and Agnus

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Second 2 None

Check this out!

1. Boy Lost 1988 - Caught
2. Serial Killer 1997 - Caught
3. International Terrorist 2003 - Caught
4. Cool Dude 2008 - Out There

Special Thanks to U-Know-Who for the amazing "COMPILATION".

Saturday, September 20, 2008


This is my 1st Blog and my 1st Post. Shall keep it short. May my blog be filled with many FUN and interesting STUFFS! Chill.

My First Love,